Interdisciplinary artist with a focus in illustration, storyboards, and animation.
2019 BA Studio Arts, California State University Channel Islands
2017 AA Studio Arts, Oxnard College
Art-Related Software Photoshop, After Effects, Procreate, Animate, Maya
Soft Skills Good Communication, Positive Attitude, Punctuality, Team Player, Listens
Well, Takes Critique, Honest, Works Hard
2019 Study Abroad Art Program Paris Trip
2019 Summa Cum Laude Honors
2018 The Crankstart Scholarship Program for California Community College Transfer
Students CSUCI Scholarship Foundation
2017 City of Camarillo Endowed Scholarship Fund
2017 Community College League of CA/Phi Theta Kappa All-California Community
College Academic Team Award
2016 1st Place Informative Speech, Oxnard College Speech Tournament
2016 Honorable Mention Student Winners Buenaventura Art Association’s 10th Annual
Collegiate Student Art Competition
2015 Meritorious Award, six years of completing Awana Clubs’ discipleship program.
2019 You Say Potato I Say Art Napa Hall Gallery, California State University Channel
2018 Polly Wants an Art Cracker Napa Hall Gallery, California State University Channel
2017 Emerging Artist Cup Buenaventura Art Association’s 11th Annual Collegiate
Student Art Competition
2017 Annual Juried Student Show Oxnard College McNish Gallery
2016 Student Winners Buenaventura Art Association’s 10th Annual Collegiate Student
Art Competition
2016 Annual Juried Student Show Oxnard College McNish Gallery
2016 –– Present Calvary Chapel Oxnard – Children’s Ministry
2016 –– Present Awana Program – Leader and Game Director
Artist Statement
Through the color, music, composition, storytelling, and characters I want to create a place that sparks and captures imagination. I take from my own experiences, and I cherish small moments of ecstasy and happiness, so I may use these fleeting instants as inspiration. Because of this, my work consists of the cute, charming, whimsical, and fantastical. I don’t believe in working in black and white, not because I think it inappropriate, but because too many times the world itself can begin to look gray. Bright or pastel colors can serve as a gateway into the fanciful and become a form of escapism.